When parties separate, it usually follows that their finances need to be redistributed. There is usually a house, pension or some savings, or claims for maintenance. Why should you get a financial order? Here are four reasons why.
Having a financial order provides certainty and security. The content of the order will be final and you can get on and plan your life knowing there will not be any future claims.
2. Not dragging up the past
If financial matters are left until later, say after the divorce proceedings, it is inevitable that any bad feeling from the divorce will arise again. By dealing with everything at once, it does not prolong the process.
3. Clearer advice and outcomes
The longer things are left after separation, the muddier the waters get. Who accrued what after separation? Should that inheritance be taken into account? Where do we draw the line with the pension? If financial matters are considered at the time of separation, it will be much clearer and it likely to be more straightforward to resolve.
4. Cheaper
When things are more straightforward, invariably they cost less. Protracted arguments about post-separation accruals are potentially expensive. It can be cheaper to undertake the divorce and financial work at the same time as no issues are duplicated.
Contact one of our team today to discuss what option may be best for you: 023 92492967.
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